National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week 2016 is now complete!

Action Industrial Catering (AIC) celebrated and recognised the week by hosting a morning tea.

An acknowledgment of country was delivered by the Human Resources Advisor before we commenced the NRW celebrations. We displayed the interactive National NRW (National Reconciliation Week) posters around the office to encourage awareness and attendance and listed the event online on the Reconciliation Australia website. Every employee was given a badge with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags to wear for the week as a symbol of respect. This act demonstrates Australia’s recognition of its First Peoples and promotes a sense of community partnership and a commitment to reconciliation.

NAIDOC week which is soon approaching. Follow us to see what we have planned.

#NRW2016  ,  j





National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June, commemorating two significant milestones: the anniversaries of the 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision. Action Industrial Catering Pty Ltd (AIC) is committed to developing relationships of trust and respect with Indigenous communities across Australia, and we aim to develop an understanding and awareness of culture throughout our business. As a part of our dedication to our RAP, we will be participating in NRW this year.

The theme for NRW 2016, ‘Our History, Our Story, Our Future’ is derived from the State of Reconciliation in Australia report, which asks all Australians to reflect on our national identity, and the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and rights in our nation’s story.

‘Our History’ reminds us all that historical acceptance is essential to our reconciliation journey. Historical acceptance will exist when all Australians understand and accept the fact that past laws, practices and policies deeply affected the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, often having devastating immediate impacts and causing much of the disadvantage that exists today. It is also a commitment to ensuring these wrongs are never repeated in the future.

‘Our Story’ reflects the fact that the journey towards reconciliation forms a significant part of Australia’s story, as do the stories of both trauma and triumph told by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It also encourages each and every one of us to make reconciliation part of our own story.

‘Our Future’ reinforces that reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, in the knowledge that we believe in fairness for everyone, that our diversity makes us richer, and that together, we are stronger.

Follow us on LinkedIn to see what we are getting up to over the next week for reconciliation! #NRW2016