Soul Sessions – Soul studios


Wellness Amplified!

Recharge in our Soul Studios through movement,
where fitness meets fun!

Pilates Amplified


A high-energy full-body workout designed to bring your heart rate up and deliver great results all over. We cater for all levels of pilates lovers, from the newbies to the pilates junkies.

Expect smiles, high energy, pumpin’ tunes, lots of variety and maximum fun!


Our signature Soulhub reformer class. Designed to strengthen the whole body, whilst seamlessly flowing from exercise to exercise to improve endurance and coordination. Our trainers are taking reformer pilates foundations to new heights and programming your classes to bring the magic and fun 🎉


This reformer workout has been designed to increase your strength and fitness, by adding a little extra resistance and a few cardiovascular challenges! Incorporating props such as the jumpboard, free weights and resistance bands, you are bound to be sweating and smiling after challenging yourself and kicking new goals. 🙌


This class is all about lengthening and recovery. Using the reformer to support the body in easing you into stretches to improve muscle length and joint mobility of the whole body. Couple this class with one of our other reformer or studio classes to leave feeling long and strong.

Our philosophy is why work out when
you can join the pilates party?

Studio #2

Soul FIT

Our signature Cardio Sculpt class. Programmed to use high-intensity exercises to increase the heart rate, and complimentary sculpting exercises to improve muscle definition and endurance. This class has been designed to make you burn and sweat!


Our mat pilates class will layer your favourite classical and athletic exercises to create challenging muscular endurance flows. We will team form, function and mobility with great tunes to make sure your glutes and core are feeling #spicy!


With the principles of pilates, and the grace of dance, expect to see improved posture and muscle definition. Moving to the beat of the music your heart rate will rise, your core will be quivering and shaking and your glutes will be smiling.

Soul Yoga

We have listened to you and will be adding yoga to our Studio 2 asap. Watch this space.

Check our membership options Timetable

Join Our Quest of Being a Healthier, Happier Human?

Intro Offer

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is about and become a
#soulmate today!

  1. Download our app
  2. Sign in using your email and create a password
  3. Make an account, select your preferred
    membership and officially become a soulmate