
Organisational services

Organisational Clinical Support

Unite, Heal, Thrive: Strategies for
organisational resilience

Frontline organisations and those working with traumatised populations face the profound challenges of vicarious trauma, moral injury and burn out. Without the right management and support, these issues can deeply affect clinical outcomes, staff well-being, and team harmony.

Grounded in trauma specialist practice and creative educational methods, this programme offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to nurture resilience and understanding. Through bespoke training, policy review or creation and clinical team support, Lauren collaborates with your team to enhance cohesion, staff retention, and promote a safe, supportive workplace culture.

Lauren supports team in managing vicarious trauma, moral injury and burn out while inspiring a deeper connection to their work, encouraging a resilient, supportive professional environment.

Leading with empathy: Trauma training for organisational growth

Through shared insights and experiences, participants share insights and experiences to bolster team cohesion, encourage professional growth, and widen perspectives.

Through clinical team training with trauma specialist delivery, the focus is on unlocking each team member’s full potential, making sure everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to contribute to the group’s collective success and well-being.


Enhance skills in trauma informed care and management with trauma training that combines artistic creativity and scientific expertise.

Team growth

Improve team dynamics and client care while enhancing staff retention through trauma-informed  training based on shared goals
and values.

Vicarious trauma, burn out
and moral injury

Foster workplace resilience and unity with tailored strategies for managing stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout, enhancing long-term team well-being and success.

Empowering Practitioners: Professional development in trauma care and management

With extensive work experience in the areas of trauma management and recovery, a Certificate 4 in Training and Assessment and a Diploma of Visual Arts, Lauren offers empathetic and impactful training in the areas of trauma and trauma recovery, including staff wellbeing. Her sessions are designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation, benefiting both new and seasoned practitioners as well as management teams aiming to support those impacted by trauma as well as address vicarious trauma and burnout.

Her organisational support ranges from assisting individuals and teams who have experienced vicarious traumatisation, to implementing trauma-informed policy and practice across organisations.

Lauren enhances team capabilities in providing trauma-informed care, thereby improving both client outcomes and staff well-being.

Trauma-informed practice equips professionals with the tools to navigate and mitigate the effects of trauma, fostering a resilient and supportive workplace environment.

Team growth: Trauma specialist strategies for organisational health

Lauren Finemore is an experienced social worker specialising in clinical supervision services for front-line and human services workers.

Passionate about helping care professionals navigate complex emotional landscapes, Lauren has firsthand experience of the daily challenges faced by those in caring professions.

At the heart of Lauren’s practice is the belief that caregivers should be able to continue their vital work without sacrificing their own well-being. Those who give so much of themselves should have the support and resources they need to thrive both professionally and personally.

Strengthening teams: Vicarious trauma, moral injury and burn out

Addressing vicarious trauma, moral injury and burn out is vital for nurturing a supportive and thriving workplace. Lauren offers tailored psychological education to heighten awareness and understanding of vicarious trauma, moral injury and burn out among staff. This compassionate approach empowers your team to recognise early signs of stress and seek support for their experiences, creating a unified front against these common challenges.

Lauren implements trauma specialist strategies for symptom detection, management, and recovery, fostering a supportive work environment. Her training and consultation enhance resilience and work to address vicarious trauma, moral injury and burn out. This approach promotes both professional fulfillment and organisational success.

Creativity in clinical training

The feeling of safety for participants is essential to any trauma related training activity.

Lauren uses sensory activities as a bridge to re-engage the hippocampus, crucial for learning, memory, and logic. Activities like drawing and plasticine moulding help participants to manage their stress responses and enhance memory retention during training and discussion of traumatic experiences.

Stimulating the areas of the brain responsible for creative activities results in a calming counterbalance to the intense emotional and psychological strains encountered in trauma work.

Creative exercises help participants stay grounded and engaged, markedly improving their involvement in training and subsequent outcomes.

Client Testimonials

“Lauren really took the time to understand our specific needs, and that meant our training sessions hit the mark every time. Thanks to her, we were equipped with the skills we needed in a way that felt tailor-made for us.”

Real-life impact of clinical supervision

“Group supervision with Lauren has been great. Even though it’s in a group setting, Lauren consciously holds space for individual needs and provides valuable reflective tools to aid clarity around ethical dilemmas, systemic issues, complex case presentations and other professional struggles both as individuals and as a team. I look forward to supervision as a safe, empowering space that greatly improves my practice as a social worker and I highly recommend Lauren’s expertise.”

C.I.C., University of Sydney

What others say

Lauren brought a wealth of experience and know-how to our social enterprise, and it had a great impact. She created a learning atmosphere that was not just safe but also enjoyable, engaging, and carefully thought out. Lauren really took the time to understand our specific needs, and that meant our training sessions hit the mark every time. Thanks to her, we were equipped with the skills we needed in a way that felt tailor-made for us.

Alex Nagle, Head of People and Impact, Two Good Co

How Lauren has helped

“Group supervision with Lauren has been great. Even though it’s in a group setting, Lauren consciously holds space for individual needs and provides valuable reflective tools to aid clarity around ethical dilemmas, systemic issues, complex case presentations and other professional struggles both as individuals and as a team. I look forward to supervision as a safe, empowering space that greatly improves my practice as a social worker and I highly recommend Lauren’s expertise.”

C.I.C., University of Sydney

Client Testimonials

“Lauren brought a wealth of experience and know-how to our social enterprise, and it had a great impact. She created a learning atmosphere that was not just safe but also enjoyable, engaging, and carefully thought out. Lauren really took the time to understand our specific needs, and that meant our training sessions hit the mark every time. Thanks to her, we were equipped with the skills we needed in a way that felt tailor-made for us.”

Alex Nagle, Head of People and Impact, Two Good Co

Reach out for a conversation

Contact Lauren today to discover how tailored organisational services can create a healthier, more productive workplace and improved client outcomes. Reach out to take the first step towards a more supportive and sustainable future for your organisation.